Traffic takes place on a 7x7 City Board, on which the players will build their city!
But before the driving can begin, the city must be built! Therefore, the game is split up into two phases. The first of which is...
In the Construction Phase, players take turns placing Road Pieces! Each player is dealt 12 Road Pieces, but one lucky player is also dealt the GRAND PLAZA, which is automatically placed in the center of the board.
As the Construction Phase progresses, you can watch as the city evolves into its complete form!
And after the city is complete, players can proceed into...
In this phase, players play DRIVE CARDS to move across the City Board, and SPECIAL CARDS to manipulate the Road Pieces! By the game's end, the City Board can look very different...
By manpulating the Road Pieces to shorten their trip and lengthen their opponents', players must race from their Home to their Goal, and then back!
The first player to get back home wins!
Simple, right? Well, maybe not... Traffic is rife with